Building life-changing relationships with God, one another, and our community.

Women’s Lenten Study

Please join us for a Lenten-themed Bible study with other women.

Remembering that you, beloved, are made from dust, you are invited to play in the soul-soil of the world — to delve into the messy dirt of humanity, to help what is rotten to generate fertile soil, and to sow and nurture perennial seeds of love, hope, and mercy, so we may grow ourselves into a garden of beloved community.

Begins Sunday, March 9

4:00 – 5:00 pm
in the Conference Room

(6 weeks thru Sunday, April 13)

Come to as many as you are able!
No preparation is required, although there are optional reflections throughout the week.
You do not need to attend all 6 sessions, but please sign up so we know how many to expect!