Building life-changing relationships with God, one another, and our community.
Christmas Poinsettias

Order Poinsettias

Order Poinsettias

If you would like to have a Poinsettia placed in the Sanctuary in memory or honor of a loved one this Christmas season, there are several ways you can order:

  1. Fill out the order form found in the bulletin during worship services, and place it in the offering plate.
  2. Email your order to Leah in the church office at

Poinsettias are $13 each.

  • Pay by check – payable to St. Matthew UMC. Write ‘poinsettia’ in the notes field.
  • Pay by credit card – Give Online and choose a One-time Gift.
    Select Flower Fund from the dropdown list for your payment.

Poinsettias can be picked up in the sanctuary after the Christmas Eve Service.